Of course we would like to have as many patriots as possible to join with us in our effort to carry out our plan to redirect our country on it’s intended course. There are only five things that any patriot must fully believe in order to be a perfect fit into this effort. Please click on the “Five Things” button to see if you are one of the patriots we need. >>>>
If you find you are indeed one of the patriots needed to correct the path of our country you surely realize that this undertaking will not be easy. There are many tasks that must be done, and you will surely find one or more that match your skills and situation perfectly. If you would like to examine the overview of the F.O.L.U. plan please click on the “Plan Overview” button. If you are ready at this point to join our ranks click on the “Join Now” button.
FIVE points of agreement all Friends of Liberty United members should be in agreement on:
(1) God rules the universe He always has and always will;
(2) America has a spiritual PROBLEM, it is the failure of too many people to recognize the importance of James 4:17 [“Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.”] and honor this passage;
(3) The most impactive result of the PROBLEM is that ‘Federal action’ has exceeded the clear bounds of its jurisdiction under the Constitution;
(4) To correct this result, we must return to our States their rightful Freedom and independence that the Declaration of Independence says they should have and the God Given unalienable Rights to our people, a reasonable GOAL; and
(5) To realize this goal we must gain control of government. This demands a movement engaged in meaningful offensive action through a plan permitting us to work together on issues of mutual interest while assuring we each retain our freedom to pursue our special interests.
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