ABOUT Friends of Liberty United

Friends of Liberty United (FOLU) is an organization determined to do what it can to build the united body of Christ so as to motivate concerned Americans to do what is necessary to return our Country to it’s Constitutional roots.
FOLU’s history goes goes back to a patriot named Walter Myers.
Being a God fearing veteran respectful of his oath he made an earnest study of America’s history learning about the who, how and why of America’s transformation from a Republic, as it was founded, into a nation-state of global governance.
By 1990 Mr. Myers began joining various organizations in search of one having a viable plan devoted to creating a movement capable of regaining control of our rogue government. Finding no such organization and having retired as Chief of Plans and Programs for a General’s Staff he determined he could, and should, write such a plan. He did. In an effort to get the plan into people’s hands Mr. Myers wrote the book “To Tame a Tyrant.” The book describes what lawful government would look like, how Americans have come to be governed in accordance with the ten planks of the Communist Manifesto, and a plan that will permit people to work together on issues of common interest while assuring everyone involved retains their freedom to pursue their special interests.
Friends of Liberty United thanks Walter for his efforts and gives him credit for guiding many of the concepts and ideas that FOLU incorporates into its plan.
* volunteers to organize local FOLU chapters consisting of patriots from many different groups and orgainizations who are willing to work together to further the causes of all group members
* volunteers to serve as regional, state, county, local (zip code level) coordinators and/or to create local teams
* volunteers to serve on committees at the county/state/national level to help develop ideas and tools for the local teams to use
* volunteers to step up and serve in leadership positions at the County/State/National level of the FOLU organization
* many other things that may just be what YOU are passionate about in regards to Rebuilding Liberty’s Foundations
Whereas Friends of Liberty United has found the1994 allegation of thirty Republican governors saying “Federal action has exceeded the clear bounds of its jurisdiction under the Constitution and thus violated Rights guaranteed the people…” to be true and
Whereas these Federal actions have resulted in America becoming morally, philosophically, financially, and institutionally broken with elected and appointed governing officials being treated as though they are immune from our laws and
Whereas a nation must be one of laws, for a lawless nation is destined for the trash heap of history and
Whereas Friends of Liberty United knows America’s founding documents resulted in creation of the greatest nation known to man and that Abraham Lincoln was right in saying, “Our safety, our liberty, depends upon preserving the Constitution of the United States as our Fathers made it inviolate. The people of the United States are the rightful masters of both Congress and the Courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution” and
Whereas Friends of Liberty United understands that one has to stand for something to avoid falling for anything and that everyone deserves to know the foundation upon which Friends of Liberty United has based its position on issues and decisions for action,
BE IT RESOLVED Friends of Liberty United has accepted the following as facts:
America’s PROBLEM is spiritual in nature.
It is good vs. evil; God’s way vs. Humanism.
It is people’s failure to acknowledge the importance of – and to honor – James 4:17 (“Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin”) by doing what’s right and to accept that the Constitution says what it means, means what it says and isn’t difficult to properly interpret when viewed in the purpose for which it was written.
This problem has resulted in “Federal action” that has “exceeded the clear bounds of its jurisdiction under the Constitution and thus violate rights guaranteed to the people;” as 30 Republican governors alleged on 11/22/94.
The governor’s pledge “to restore to the states and the people the prerogatives and freedoms guaranteed them under the Constitution” is a satisfactory goal all Americans should willingly and jointly pursue.
America’s Supreme Law consists of the policies and procedures cited in the Declaration of Independence, Constitution of 1787 and the Bill of Rights, when interpreted in light of Government’s purpose which is to secure people’s unalienable Rights to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
Any government Act taken since the day the Constitution was ratified that has diminished or destroyed anyone’s ability to enjoy a Right is an unlawful act. This fact MUST be used as a litmus test for every decision by patriotic Americans.
Everyone responsible for preparing, promoting, passing, and/or perpetuating an unlawful act is a criminal.
States created the federal government as their AGENT. As principals to the Constitution and under the Law of Agency our States have the authority and responsibility to assure the Constitution’s proper interpretation and implementation. It is for this reason that a primary FOLU objective is to inspire state legislatures to recognize their rightful duty and to honor their oath of office.
States are guaranteed a Republican form of government and are to be protected from invasion.
Treaties, a purview of the President with the advice and consent of the Senate, cannot be used to create law nor can Executive Orders or the courts as Art. 1 Sec.1 of the Constitution vested all legislative powers in the Congress. Since the House of Representatives has no authority over Treaties, any use of Treaties to create law has been and is an unlawful act.
The Constitution’s 10th Amendment stating, “the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution ….. are “reserved to the States respectively, or to the people”, makes it unquestionably clear that the only lawful powers of the Federal Government are those specifically enumerated in the Constitution.
The Constitution does not give any branch of the Federal government authority to transfer a delegated responsibility to a private organization.
The U. S. Supreme Court was correct in saying:
a. “This Court has regularly and uniformly recognized the supremacy of the Constitution over a treaty” and “it would be manifestly contrary to the objectives of those who created the Constitution, let alone alien to our Constitutional history and tradition to construe Article 6 as permitting the United States to exercise power under an international agreement without observing Constitutional prohibitions.” (Reid vs. Covert)
b. “a law repugnant to the Constitution is void.” (Marbury vs Madison)
c. “Where rights secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be no rule making or legislation which would abrogate them.” (Miranda vs Arizona)
To restore the Republic Americans must be in control their destiny. This requires withdrawing America’s commitment to support United Nation’s policies, bringing monetary policy into conformance with that stipulated in the Constitution and repudiating all fraudulently created debts that are theoretically owed as a result of current monetary policy and which cannot possibly be paid.
Since Corporations are created by a Secretary of State and a created cannot be greater than its creator, the State is god to the incorporated businesses posing as churches (about 99.7% of them). These corporations are in violation of the 1st Commandment and must un incorporate or be abandoned to give God reason to again bless America. (reference 501-C-3)
Law enforcement personnel (military, civilian & veterans) are obligated to hold those responsible for the destruction of people’s rights accountable! A major objective of patriotic Americans must be to inspire law enforcement to do so.
The use of the positions in this paper, if used as a litmus test by which to judge government actions, will provide an unequivocal basis for determining the validity of such actions.
Gaining Godly influence government will require dedicated and unified action by millions of Americans sharing a common goal. The positions cited herein should be used in evaluating political candidates to determine if they have the knowledge, courage and integrity needed to honor their oath.
Every American in agreement with the first three proposed positions should be willing to work with others in pursuit of the goal and on actions of mutual interest, while retaining their freedom to pursue their special interests. It is essential they do so for as Mr. Medori Severi said “until we (patriotic Americans) abandon our manifold private agendas and unite, we will merely be hapless observers standing at the bottom of a dark, deep pit, wistfully hoping to save the world, but really doing little more than breaking the fall of compatriots who are pushed in on top of us. Only by uniting in a common effort devoid of subjective paradigms will we be able to mold the human spirit upon which we may ascend to freedom…”
The Friends of Liberty United will require the support of many Americans working a couple of hours a week and donating $5.00/month to support its expenses.
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To become a member of the team please register at Friends of Liberty United.com.
Rest assured, your registration fee and all donations will be used to pursue our Republic’s restoration. Please forward this message to those with whom you have contact.