This section will list the various patriotic groups that have agreed to work towards our common goal. Please take the time to browse, you may find one that will help you strengthen your local pursuit team. These groups are listed in alphabetical order.

Barbara Hartwell Vs. CIA
Defending Liberty & God-given Unalienable Individual Rights
Independent Investigator, Intelligence Analyst, Journalist. Former CIA (NOC, Psychological Operations) Black Ops Survivor. Sovereign Child of God. Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Ordained 1979, D.Div.) Exposing Government Lies, Crimes, Corruption, Conspiracies and Cover-ups.
Legal Defense & Research Trust
PO Box 22
Rhinebeck, NY 12572

The Black Robe Regiment is a Christ-centered public advocacy group for promoting Biblical Truth in our secularized nation and world. We exist to awaken the Judeo-Christian community and to empower its faith leaders to lead this nation back into a knowledge of that eternal Truth. One core objective of ours most closely aligned with FOLU’s mission is to rally the Body of Christ and Her shepherds to actively participate in all levels of society, for this is Her mission as was commanded by our Lord, the true and only King of this world. Without the Church’s participation in these areas, moral relativism becomes rampant and the corruption of our institutions is a certainty. (This is a Facebook Page.)

At www.DebtFreeMoney.org, we believe that, in addition to all its consequences, forcing Americans and their government into debt to the banking industry or any entity to get money created and into circulation is a violation of our Freedom, the Spirit of America, and the 13th Amendment protection against Involuntary Servitude. All newly created money should once again come into circulation as a debt-free earned payment representing what the citizenry Owns, NOT what they Owe. The money supply should only increase with an increase in production that everyone needs, uses and benefits from equally, thereby promoting the general Welfare, Liberty and Justice. The legislation is called the American Transportation Act.

Idaho G416 Patriots
is a coalition of Idaho Patriots dedicated to the preservaton of our American way of life. We are determined to prevent the incursion of Islamic Sharia into our State and our culture. The “G416” is Galatians Chapter 4 verse 16 which says, “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?” (This is a Facebook Page.)

Liberty Tree University
(Constitutional Studies)
The Liberty Tree University is a website created to provide students of all ages with an opportunity to educate themselves on the principles of liberty and sound government.
We can not expect to restore the Constitution unless we hold our elected and government officials accountable.

The National Constitution Education Center
An organization dedicated to teach the Constitution of the United States to every citizen willing to learn.
Check them out >>

Founded by Jim Harrison of Westerville, Ohio the NFF is dedicated to restoring the Godly role of the Family in our once Great Country. With out the stability of more Godly families the future of the United States will be no better than the current situation where suxual immorality is not only tolertated, it seems that one must celebrate it in order to be accepted in today’s society. This is NOT God’s plan!
Click HERE to see our website!